Budgeting Skills for Accountants 4 Integrating the Balanced Scorecard in your Budgeting Process

R506.46 (VAT Incl.)
Accounting Professionals
Nestene Botha
120 Minutes
   CPD Assessment

Lesson Outline

Many leading-edge firms and forward-thinking controllers and CFOs are adopting the balanced scorecard philosophy. This cultural norm and measurement process forces managers and decision makers to take a balanced view of running the business.

Too often profits are the main measure of success. Businesses that buy into that twisted philosophy soon lose their customers and best employees and sadly do not understand why.

The finance leader who strives to have a great budget and adopts the balanced scorecard method soon discovers that success in planning and reporting requires a balanced effort. By assisting your clients in developing these skills when you assist them with developing and implementing their budgeting process, will not only result in a value-add to your clients’ business, but will also reflect well on you, when your client starts to reap the benefits of this leading best practice process.

Attend this session if you would like to learn how to assist your clients with learning about and implementing this process in their organisations.

  1. This session will cover the following:
  2. Obtaining consensus on your global driving force
  3. Managing with a balanced scorecard approach
  4. Balanced scorecard process
  5. Balanced scorecard objectives and focus
  6. Implementing the balanced scorecard
  7. Benefits of using the balanced scorecard approach
  8. How to use the balanced scorecard in the budgeting process