Auditing Standards 10 - Finalisation - Auditors Report

R329.82 (VAT Incl.)
Auditing Professionals
Tristan David-Crewe White
180 Minutes
   CPD Assessment

Lesson Outline

Session 8: Finalisation – Auditor’s Report; Comparatives; Other information outside of the Annual Financial Statements ProBeta Training presents a refresher webinar-series on the International Standard on Auditing or ISA to familiarise you with all pertinent elements directly from the standard.

The approach to the webinar-series is to split the standards into the relevant phase of the audit, spending several weeks on each phase i.e.

  1. Pre-engagement planning
  2. Execution; and
  3. Finalisation The series will run over the next 4 months, and each session will attempt to:
  4. simplify the relevant standards,
  5. Highlight key elements and
  6. Provide action points from each standard to ensure that you conduct each audit in accordance with the International Standard on Auditing (ISA).

Session 10 will focus on:

  1. ISA 700: Forming an Opinion and Reporting on the Financial Statements
  2. ISA 705: Modifications to the audit opinion
  3. ISA 706: Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report
  4. ISA 710: Comparative Information – Corresponding Figures and Comparative Financial Statements
  5. ISA 720: Other Information

The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements Concepts that will form part of the session, which form the foundation of finalisation are:

  1. Complete, general purpose financial statements
  2. Fair presentation and compliance frameworks
  3. Minimum content in an audit report
  4. Appropriate audit report modification
  5. Effect of management imposed scope limitations
  6. Inappropriate use of emphasis of matter and other matter paragraphs
  7. Compulsory procedures regarding comparative figures
  8. Referring to comparative figures in the audit report
  9. Including other information in financial statements