New ISA 315 and ISA 330 Standards

Auditing Professionals
Lynette Badenhorst
60 Minutes
   CPD Assessment

Lesson Outline

The revised standards provides for significant changes in the approach to identifying and assessing risks, ensuring a focused response from auditors to these risks.

The enhancements affect all audits, and audit firms of all sizes must revise their risk assessment approach.

Readiness for the changes needs to be on every audit firm’s to-do list.

There will be some practical challenges of transitioning to the revised International Standards on Auditing (ISA) 315 and 330 that firms need to note.

Auditors are urged to familiarise themselves with the revised requirements to ensure a smooth transition in implementing the revised standards.

To assist firms with this transition and implementation of the new revised ISA 315 and ISA 330 Standards, ProBeta Training developed a range of courses suitable for all audit firms.

Please join me on Friday 21 October at 10am for a 30-minute free session, where I will explain how ProBeta can assist your firm with the successful implementation of these standards.